Need a waste carrier licence in England? Here’s why it’s essential

When UK parted ways with EU back in February of 2020, both new challenges and new opportunities arose. If your company used to deliver goods to England on a regular basis, you probably already know what to do at this point. But what if you’d like to try something new and go with waste transport? Does the fact that England is not a part of European Union anymore make it harder for such transport to be profitable? Read on to find out how to obtain waste carrier licence and stay ahead of your competition.

British approach to waste carrier licence

Since Brexit shook things up, there’s a key law you gotta know about if you’re moving waste across borders into England. It’s called the Environmental Protection Act 1990, updated for the times to fit what’s needed after the UK split from the EU. This is the rulebook that says who can move waste, how to do it right, and why it’s important to stick to the rules.

This law matters—a lot. It tells you that you need a waste carrier licence to haul waste around legally. Plus, it’s all about keeping the earth clean by making sure waste gets handled the right way. For truckers, knowing this stuff inside out means you can drive with peace of mind, knowing you’re doing things by the book. And let’s not forget, sticking to the law means no trouble with fines or getting your load turned back at the border. In short, getting that waste carrier permit under this law is your green light to hit the road without any hiccups.

Do you want to know more about waste carrier permits? Contact us:  

+48 517 862 602 or +48 519 516 869

The right documents make all the difference

Driving waste into England isn’t just about having a full tank and knowing your route. Now that the UK’s done its own thing outside the EU, the paperwork you need is super specific. You’ve got to be prepared, especially with the documents that tell the story of your load.

First things first: your waste carrier licence is non-negotiable. It’s like your personal ID for hauling trash. But here’s where it gets a bit more detailed. If you’re moving non-hazardous waste, you might be familiar with the Annex VII document from EU days. In England, you’ll still need something like it to prove your load’s legit and you know where it’s going. For the hazardous stuff, it’s a whole other ball game. You’ll need notification documents that are all about keeping track of those risky loads from start to finish.

And it doesn’t stop there. England’s got its own set of rules now, which means there might be a few more forms to fill out to make sure you’re totally above board. Skipping on any of these could land you in hot water, with fines that hit hard or even getting turned away at the border. So, before you gear up and go, triple-check that paperwork. Having the right docs is like having the right key – it gets you where you need to go without a hitch.

waste carrier licence

Waste carrier licence – your ticket to better future

Check this out: England chucked out 187.3 million tonnes of waste in just 2018. That’s a lot of stuff, and it’s only going up. Most of this comes from building sites and industrial places, but there’s plenty from other spots too. Now, think about all that waste needing to move from A to B. That’s where you come in, but there’s a catch. To legally carry this waste, especially if you’re crossing borders, you need the right paperwork. That’s your waste carrier permit​.

Here’s the deal: with so much waste moving around, and with the UK making its own rules post-Brexit, the government’s watching closer than ever. You don’t want to be caught hauling waste without a permit. Not only could it land you in hot water, but it’s also bad for business. So getting your waste carrier licence shows you’re playing by the rules, protecting the environment, and taking your job seriously. Plus, it opens the door to a heap of work, moving all that waste that’s piling up.

More work – more money

The Environment Agency keeps tabs on all the waste shipments going in and out. They’re tracking stuff like refuse-derived fuel, which is mostly what gets moved around. This means there’s a steady stream of work in moving waste not just within England but across borders too.

So getting your waste carrier permit is your ticket to a growing industry. It keeps you on the right side of the law, and it’s good for the planet too. With waste levels on the rise, the demand for responsible, licensed carriers is only going to grow. Don’t get left behind. Grab that permit, and let’s keep England moving, clean, and green.

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